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O.G.D., or Order of the Golden Dawn, is the name of our Fellowship which is composed of three Orders, which are distinct, yet complementary. These three Orders are known as the Golden Dawn in the Outer, in the Inner, and in Holiness, or as the First, Second, and Third Orders respectively.

Third Order - K∴ R∴

  • The entry point to this Order is a Grade called Babe of the Abyss 000=000 which is the threshold between the Second Order and full admission into the Third Order.

  • The K∴ R∴ is comprised of three G+++++ and T++++++ Grades: 

  • The Third Order, or Order of Holiness, is called K∴ R∴ As the Holy Chapel in our initiatory structure, it is the source of dispensation of the mystery of Horus-Apophis, also known as the Mystery of Mystery. The main purpose of this Order is to exalt Masters through the power of the Supernals. This is accomplished with Adepti traversing the Abyss and being received into the Chapel for the work of G+++++ & T++++++.

    First Order - R.O.A.O

    The First, or Outer Order, is called Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega.

    Second Order - R.R. et A.C.

    The Second, or Inner Order, is called R.R. et A.C.  

    Third Order - K∴ R∴

    The Third Order, or Order of Holiness, is called K∴ R∴                                                                   


    Order of the Golden Dawn

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